Maui Land Clearing

Re-envision your land.

Reclaim space.

Create new canvas.

We provide a forestry mulching based land clearing service. Unmatched efficiency, low environmental impact, and immediate and long lasting improvements to soil health. For those concerned about the nutritional quality of their crops and pasture, this is the best way to clear land on Maui.

We also understand and respect how important your trees and plants are to you, and will consult with you before work begins to decide what plants and trees, if any, will be kept. Whether that is by individual tree or by species, we can customize a clearing plan for your goals.

Why mulching?

Bulldozer clearing requires extensive permits from multiple agencies, because it can cause erosion. Mulching doesn't, so we can start quickly, and work according to your schedule, and not the permitting office. This saves money, time, and frustration in the critical early stages of the project.

Mulch also suppresses the growth of weeds and invasive grasses for months afterwards. This gives you more time to walk the property, to dream, to mark things out, to plan your land with love and care. When a bulldozer clears the lot, you don't have the luxury of time, as any delay results in erosion and uncontrolled regrowth of undesirable species.

And importantly, mulching results in a higher quality finished product. A mulched property is a functional, ecological, and resilient base to expand upon. If you are concerned about the long term health of the soil system on your property, you don't want to have all the foliage that has grown there be bulldozed and removed. You want to simulate the natural process as closely as possible, and that means mulching trees where they stand and allowing their organic material to compost right where it came from.

Mulching captures and preserves water in the soil and creates an environment of rich biodiversity. Mycelial networks will quickly spring up in a mulched area and provide a framework for other beneficial organisms to exist. No soil is as healthy as living soil. You may have heard of "Hugelkultur" for your garden - mulching essentially creates Hugelkultur across your entire property.

Because of the low impact to the soil and subsoil system, mulching also avoids unearthing or damaging culturally sensitive sites or objects. Bulldozer based clearing services may unearth something suspected to be sensitive and be forced to stop work until state approved archaeologists can examine the sensitive area and approve continuation of the project. Avoiding this process saves the landowner a lot of potential difficulty and cost, all while safely preserving any important history from damage.

Bulldozers still have their place as an important tool in land development. However, too many land clearing services treat them as a one-size-fits-all solution. Discerning landowners tend to prefer the benefits a mulching based land clearing brings.